WASHINGTON, DC – June 29, 2023 – New Offering Highlight’s the Company’s expertise in Hedging or Mitigating Currency Risk and Delivers Increased Insights for Clients
Monex USA, a trusted partner in foreign exchange and global payments services for businesses, has announced expanded offerings to include a wide range of foreign exchange (FX) Options to meet Clients’ needs on reducing currency risk. Available in nearly all currency pairs, the offering includes a full suite of FX Options structures and flexible maturities models, designed to help qualified clients manage their foreign exchange exposure.
As foreign exchange rates and market sentiment continue to fluctuate, multinational companies are seeking out additional ways to reduce currency risk associated with the conduct and management of their business. Through an individualized approach, Monex Options specialists help clients make more informed risk decisions in line with risk tolerance and prevailing market conditions. The Monex USA Options team is led by Greg Lyumkis who has nearly 20 years of experience in FX Sales & Trading with a hedging emphasis.
“We’re excited to offer Options as part of the Monex suite of foreign exchange hedging and mitigating solutions,” said Juan Pablo Carriedo, CEO of Monex USA. “With this new addition, our clients can now benefit from a more diversified approach to managing their foreign exchange risk in an increasingly dynamic and evolving FX market.”
“Options structures provide our clients with new advantages not available under traditional forward contracts,” said Greg Lyumkis, Head of Options, North America, with Monex USA. “The ability to minimize mark-to-market impact means that clients can harness Monex’s award-winning expertise and insights to make more informed trading decisions.”
For more than 20 years, Monex USA has provided industry-leading foreign exchange and global payment solutions to thousands of corporations, across virtually all industry sectors. As part of Monex, a leading global financial services group, Monex USA offers a global reach with local expertise. With our breadth of financial strength, purchasing power, and industry expertise, Monex USA tailors our services to the specific business needs of our clients. For more information on Monex Options, please click here.
About Monex USA | MonexUSA.com | Monex group has provided corporate clients with industry-leading foreign exchange, risk management, and international payment solutions for over 38 years. Headquartered in Washington, DC, Monex USA has New York and Beverly Hills offices. As part of the global financial services group of Monex, the company leverages a combined annual FX volume of over $303 billion and 2,800 employees to help more than 66,000 clients from a broad range of industries successfully navigate the global currency markets. With nearly four decades of experience, Monex is one of the world’s largest commercial foreign exchange providers, with a presence in Mexico, the United Kingdom, Spain, Canada, Holland, Singapore, Luxembourg, and the United States.
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